Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Triple chocolate
Peanut butter delights

The gifts are wrapped and under the tree. The errands are done. We'll be packing today for travel tomorrow. It's so nice to be relaxed and just enjoying time at home! The last few days have been spent baking treats to enjoy over the next few days. No new recipes this year, just a few old favorites. If you're looking for some goodies for your family, give one of these a try.

No matter where you are or how you celebrate, I hope you have a relaxed and blessed Christmas! I'll be back after the celebrating to wrap up my 365 project, so check back for the big finish...


Rani said...


And have a safe trip!

Char said...

have the merriest of christmases!! it certainly looks like you're already having the yummiest.

Carole Knits said...

Looks delicious! Travel safely and have a Merry Christmas!

cloth.paper.string said...

yum! what are the middle ones? they look very much like a friend's very-top-secret holiday cookie recipe, that i've been dying to replicate.

Leslie said...

The middle ones are the Mexican (Swedish, Russian) tea cookies. Follow the last link for a recipe that's VERY similar to mine.